[ˈst(ɒ)pidʒ]noun | Substantiv sÜbersicht aller Übersetzungen
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- Streikmasculine | Maskulinum mstoppage strikestoppage strike
- (An)Haltenneuter | Neutrum nstoppage stoppingUnterbrechungfeminine | Femininum fstoppage stoppingstoppage stopping
- Stillstandmasculine | Maskulinum mstoppage standstillstoppage standstill
- Aufenthaltmasculine | Maskulinum mstoppage staystoppage stay
- Stockungfeminine | Femininum fstoppage holding up, blocking: of traffic, pipeet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etcBlockierungfeminine | Femininum fstoppage holding up, blocking: of traffic, pipeet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etcVerstopfungfeminine | Femininum fstoppage holding up, blocking: of traffic, pipeet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etcstoppage holding up, blocking: of traffic, pipeet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
- Gehalts-, Lohnabzugmasculine | Maskulinum mstoppage of salary or wagestoppage of salary or wage
- Festnahmefeminine | Femininum fstoppage legal term, law | RechtswesenJUR detention of traveller, confiscation of goodsBeschlagnahmefeminine | Femininum fstoppage legal term, law | RechtswesenJUR detention of traveller, confiscation of goodsEinbehaltungfeminine | Femininum fstoppage legal term, law | RechtswesenJUR detention of traveller, confiscation of goodsSperrungfeminine | Femininum fstoppage legal term, law | RechtswesenJUR detention of traveller, confiscation of goodsstoppage legal term, law | RechtswesenJUR detention of traveller, confiscation of goods
- Zahlungseinstellungfeminine | Femininum fstoppage of paymentstoppage of payment
- Verstopfungfeminine | Femininum f (eines Organs)stoppage medicine | MedizinMED blocking: of organstoppage medicine | MedizinMED blocking: of organ