Englisch-Deutsch Übersetzung für "advertising"

"advertising" Deutsch Übersetzung

[ˈædvə(r)taiziŋ]noun | Substantiv s

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  • Inserierenneuter | Neutrum n
    advertising in newspaper
    Ankündigungfeminine | Femininum f durch Annoncen
    advertising in newspaper
    advertising in newspaper
  • Reklamefeminine | Femininum f
    advertising of product
    Werbungfeminine | Femininum f
    advertising of product
    advertising of product
[ˈædvə(r)taiziŋ]adjective | Adjektiv adj

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advertising campaign expert
Werbefachmann, Werbefachfrau, -berater(in)
advertising campaign expert
the advertising industry
the advertising industry
outdoor advertising
Außen-, Straßenreklame
outdoor advertising
he is a pushover for that sort of advertising
he is a pushover for that sort of advertising
he is in the advertising game
er macht in Reklame
he is in the advertising game
illuminated advertising
unprofessional advertising
stümperhafte Reklame
unprofessional advertising
institutional advertising
Firmen-, Repräsentationswerbung
institutional advertising
advertising cartoonist
Werbezeichner(in) (especially | besondersbesonders witziger Reklame)
advertising cartoonist
an original way of advertising
eine neuartige Art zu werben
an original way of advertising
house-to-house advertising
Werbung von Haus zu Haus
house-to-house advertising
advertising copy
advertising copy
advertising gimmick
advertising gimmick
advertising slogan
advertising slogan
offbeat advertising
ausgefallene Werbung
offbeat advertising
aerial advertising
promotional and advertising costs
promotional and advertising costs
- (NL) Aufwendige Verpackungen stellen heute eine Art Werbung dar, um Käufer anzulocken.
These days, outrageous packaging is a form of advertising in order to entice buyers.
Quelle: Europarl
Große amerikanische Firmen können sich Fernseh-, Presse-, Plakatwerbung usw. leisten.
Big American firms can afford TV advertising, press, billboard and so on.
Quelle: Europarl
Man könnte auch von der Werbewirkung sprechen.
We could also speak about the advertising effect.
Quelle: Europarl
Offenbar führt die Präsidentschaft die Priorität Afrika, die sie propagiert, nur im Munde.
Obviously the presidency is only paying lip service to Africa, despite advertising it as a priority.
Quelle: Europarl
Wie ist unsere Position in Bezug auf die kommerzielle Direktwerbung im E-Mail-Verkehr?
What is our position on direct advertising by e-mail?
Quelle: Europarl
Ein Thema, mit dem wir uns beschäftigen müssen, ist die Werbung der Alkoholbranche.
One of the things we need to look at is the whole advertising campaign by the alcohol industry.
Quelle: Europarl

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