[əˈdendəm]noun | Substantiv s <addenda [-ə]>Übersicht aller Übersetzungen
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- Hinzufügungfeminine | Femininum faddendum additionaddendum addition
- Hinzuzufügendesaddendumaddendum
- Zusatzmasculine | Maskulinum maddendum appendix <often | oftoftplural | Plural pl>Anhangmasculine | Maskulinum maddendum appendix <often | oftoftplural | Plural pl>Nachtragmasculine | Maskulinum maddendum appendix <often | oftoftplural | Plural pl>Addendaplural | Plural pladdendum appendix <often | oftoftplural | Plural pl>addendum appendix <often | oftoftplural | Plural pl>
- Längefeminine | Femininum f des Zahnesaddendum engineering | TechnikTECH length of tooth on cog wheeladdendum engineering | TechnikTECH length of tooth on cog wheel