Englisch-Deutsch Übersetzung für "photography"

"photography" Deutsch Übersetzung

noun | Substantiv s

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  • Fotografiefeminine | Femininum f (Verfahren)
  • Fotografiefeminine | Femininum f
    photography rare | seltenselten (exact reproduction) figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
    lebenswahreand | und u. exakte Wiedergabe
    photography rare | seltenselten (exact reproduction) figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
    photography rare | seltenselten (exact reproduction) figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
three-colo(u)r photography, three-colo(u)r printing, three-colo(u)r process
three-colo(u)r photography, three-colo(u)r printing, three-colo(u)r process
time-lapse photography
time-lapse photography
flashlight photography
aerial photography
Luftbildwesen, -bildtechnik
aerial photography
photography as such
die Fotografie als solche
photography as such
climate change, global issues, photography, science, technology
climate change, global issues, photography, science, technology
Quelle: TED
Sie erreicht dies durch wichtige visuelle Formen von Fotografie und Film.
She does that through important visual forms of photography and film.
Quelle: TED
anthropology, beauty, culture, faith, global issues, photography, religion
anthropology, beauty, culture, faith, global issues, photography, religion
Quelle: TED
TED Prize, arts, communication, design, media, photography, technology
TED Prize, arts, communication, design, media, photography, technology
Quelle: TED
Africa, animals, environment, film, global issues, photography
Africa, animals, environment, film, global issues, photography
Quelle: TED
adventure, art, arts, culture, curiosity, photography
adventure, art, arts, culture, curiosity, photography
Quelle: TED

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