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- Grabsteinmasculine | Maskulinum mheadstone on graveheadstone on grave
- Eck-, Grundsteinmasculine | Maskulinum mheadstone architecture | ArchitekturARCH cornerstone: of houseet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etcheadstone architecture | ArchitekturARCH cornerstone: of houseet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
- Schlusssteinmasculine | Maskulinum mheadstone architecture | ArchitekturARCH keystone: of archheadstone architecture | ArchitekturARCH keystone: of arch
- Kopfsteinmasculine | Maskulinum mheadstone architecture | ArchitekturARCH paving stoneScheinbindermasculine | Maskulinum mheadstone architecture | ArchitekturARCH paving stoneheadstone architecture | ArchitekturARCH paving stone