Englisch-Deutsch Übersetzung für "themselves"

"themselves" Deutsch Übersetzung

[ðəmˈselvz]pronoun | Pronomen, Fürwort pron

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  • (sie) selbst
    themselves emphatisch
    themselves emphatisch
  • they themselves said it
    sie selbst sagten es
    they themselves said it
  • sich (selbst)
    themselves <reflexive verb | reflexives Verbv/r>
    themselves <reflexive verb | reflexives Verbv/r>
  • they washed themselves <reflexive verb | reflexives Verbv/r>
    sie wuschen sich
    they washed themselves <reflexive verb | reflexives Verbv/r>
  • the ideas in themselves <reflexive verb | reflexives Verbv/r>
    die Ideen an sich
    the ideas in themselves <reflexive verb | reflexives Verbv/r>
  • by themselves <reflexive verb | reflexives Verbv/r>
    by themselves <reflexive verb | reflexives Verbv/r>
  • Beispiele ausblendenBeispiele anzeigen
the soldiers ranged themselves on both sides
die Soldaten stellten sich auf beiden Seiten auf
the soldiers ranged themselves on both sides
they stoked themselves
sie haben sich vollgestopf
they stoked themselves
they threw themselves into work
sie stürzten sich in die Arbeit
they threw themselves into work
the facts, it is submitted, speak for themselves
es darf behauptet werden, dass die Tatsachen für sich sprechen
the facts, it is submitted, speak for themselves
they threw themselves upon the mercy of God
sie vertrauten sich der Gnade Gottes an
they threw themselves upon the mercy of God
they vowed themselves to the service of God
sie weihten sich dem Dienste Gottes
they vowed themselves to the service of God
they were shitting themselves
sie haben sich vor Angst in die Hosen geschissen
they were shitting themselves
the soldiers acquitted themselves well in the battle
die Soldaten hielten sich gut in der Schlacht
the soldiers acquitted themselves well in the battle
the children are well able to amuse themselves
die Kinder können sich gut allein beschäftigen
the children are well able to amuse themselves
take care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves
wer den Pfennig nicht ehrt, ist des Talers nicht wert
take care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves
they were talking among themselves
sie redeten untereinander
they were talking among themselves
they laid themselves out to please us
they laid themselves out to please us
they aligned themselves with people of similar feelings
sie schlossen sich mit ähnlich denkenden Menschen zusammen
they aligned themselves with people of similar feelings
they laid themselves out to please us
sich haben sich sehr bemüht, es uns recht zu machen
they laid themselves out to please us
they vowed themselves to the service of God
feierlichor | oder od ernsthaft erklärenor | oder od feststellen
they vowed themselves to the service of God

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