Englisch-Deutsch Übersetzung für "organization"

"organization" Deutsch Übersetzung

  • Organisationfeminine | Femininum f
    organization organizing, systematic arrangement
    organischeror | oder od systematischer Aufbau, Einrichtungfeminine | Femininum f
    organization organizing, systematic arrangement
    Ausgestaltungfeminine | Femininum f
    organization organizing, systematic arrangement
    Gliederungfeminine | Femininum f
    organization organizing, systematic arrangement
    Anordnungfeminine | Femininum f
    organization organizing, systematic arrangement
    organization organizing, systematic arrangement
  • Organismusmasculine | Maskulinum m
    organization organism, organized whole
    organisiertes Ganzes, Systemneuter | Neutrum n
    organization organism, organized whole
    organization organism, organized whole
  • Organisationfeminine | Femininum f
    organization organized body
    organisierter Zusammenschluss
    organization organized body
    Verbandmasculine | Maskulinum m
    organization organized body
    Gesellschaftfeminine | Femininum f
    organization organized body
    Körperschaftfeminine | Femininum f (von Personen)
    organization organized body
    organization organized body
  • Verwaltung(sapparatmasculine | Maskulinum m)feminine | Femininum f
    organization administrative body
    organization administrative body
  • (Partei)Organisationfeminine | Femininum f
    organization politics | PolitikPOL of party
    organization politics | PolitikPOL of party
marketing organization
Marktvereinigung, Absatzorganisation
marketing organization
organization of employers, employers’ association
Arbeitgeber-, Unternehmerverband
organization of employers, employers’ association
trade union organization
trade union organization
parent organization
parent organization
there’s a big question mark over the future of the whole organization
die Zukunft der ganzen Organisation ist infrage gestellt
there’s a big question mark over the future of the whole organization
to make a new organization
eine neue Organisation ins Leben rufen
to make a new organization
the organization was a shambles
the organization was a shambles
GMO für Schaf- und Ziegenfleisch
Market organization for sheepmeat and goatmeat
Quelle: Europarl
Verschiedene Organisationen gaben in ihrer Vkontakte Gruppe die folgende Antwort:
Several organizations gave the following answer in their Vkonakte group:
Quelle: GlobalVoices
Mitglieder des FSB sind die Zentralbanken sowie die höchsten Regulierungsbehörden der G-20.
Its member organizations are the G-20 s central banks ’ and top regulatory agencies.
Quelle: News-Commentary
1960 war er mein Stellvertreter als Leiter der liberalen Jugendorganisation Schwedens.
In 1960 he was my deputy when I was a leader of the Swedish Liberal Youth organization.
Quelle: News-Commentary
Viele verschiedene Organisationen fördern das Händewaschen in verschiedenen Teilen der Welt.
Many different organizations are promoting handwashing in different parts of the world.
Quelle: GlobalVoices
Ich danke ihnen wirklich für ihre Arbeit.
Thank you so much for your organization of our work.
Quelle: Europarl
Die Euro-Info-Zentren müßten dann mit derartigen Organisationen ebenfalls eng zusammenarbeiten.
The Euro Info Centres would then have to collaborate closely with that kind of organization.
Quelle: Europarl
Ich frage mich, wo die Menschenrechtsorganisationen in Ägypten stecken??
I wonder where are the human rights organizations in Egypt??
Quelle: GlobalVoices

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